Mikael Carlson
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This is where I anaswer all your burning questions about Tierra Campos, Victoria Larsen, the antagonists, Front Burner, and all the twists and turns in these thrillers. If you have a question that isn't answered here, scroll to the Reader Submission link below and ask away. I will be happy to answer it!

 General FAQ

handgun, constitution, american flag image

Q: I have read the Michael Bennet series and I am through book 3 of the Tierra Campos series. There have been several references to "The Devil Rancher" when In a Victoria Larsen chapter. Could you please advise if there is a book or series where the story line of the devil rancher develops?

-- Ken J.

A:  It's funny, I remember thinking when I kept alluding to that part of Victoria's backstory that someone would ask this question. As of now, I haven't written about Victoria and The Devil Rancher outside of the references I made in this series. They were made purely to establish her standing in the office and credentials as an FBI agent. I do think the story surrounding Victoria's arrest of him would make an interesting prequel.

Q: I am reading the second book “Justifiable Deceit”. If possible, I  would really like to know what the abbreviation “S.O.F” means? The only thing I could find on the internet was special operations force. However that in my opinion does not seem to fit with the story line. Thanks!

-- Karen I.

A: I can't tell you what S.O.F. stands for without a spoiler alert. It has two meanings in the novel, and you will learn both of them by the end. You are right that "Special Operations Force" doesn't fit with the story, which is why the FBI discards that theory early on. You won't find the meaning in an Internet search, but I give you credit for trying. Trust me, all will be answered!

Q: I loved the Tierra Campos novels. I have a question about the first one. Were you nervous writing about such a sensitive topic? You did a great job, but there has to be people who didn't like it. Thanks and keep writing!

--Monica S.

A: Great question, and thank you! I would be lying if I said I had no concerns about writing the novel. I live only a dozen or so miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School, and it is a VERY sensitive subject around here in light of that tragedy. Most of my novels start with a single question: what if? That was the question I wanted to answer: What if a victim of a school shooting was somehow involved? I wanted to balance out the arguments about gun control in the novel by presenting both sides. I hope I succeeded.

Q: Hi Mikael! I just finished Justifiable Deceit and have started the second book. Is Ethan Harrington based on David Hogg?

--Richard C.

A:  A little yes and very much no. David is an outspoken gun control advocate, so I can see where you would draw the comparison. That's the yes part - Ethan's advocacy in the novel was inspired by David Hogg's. That's where the parallels end. Nobody ever accused David of being involved in the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, whereas Tierra and Victoria suspected Ethan of having some involvement early on. I thought it would be an interesting topic to explore, and it turned into a fantastic fiction novel.

US Army Europe pin with flames


If you have a question about a story, character, event, or the writing process, please make a submission by clicking the button below. It will take you to the form on the main PAU Classified page.