Mikael Carlson


Third Book in the Michael Bennit Series      

The aftermath of the Capitol shooting has the nation on edge, and Michael Bennit and his staff must deal with the trauma at the beginning of the new Congress. Now he has become the influential national figure that the political parties and the president-elect have long feared. As the media swarms and tempers flare in Congress, the search is on for who was behind the shooting, but will Michael Bennit andbe ready for the ultimate betrayal?


Five Stars Image

Mikael Carlson provides us with a hero we not only appreciate in the books, but one who also speaks to our desires for a real life politician willing to stand up to the status quo in Washington.

-- Melinda Hills for Readers' Favorite


Five Stars Image

"Once again the author has provided a lesson in civics while creating a story with suspense. He has utilized the American theme of what is assumed to be the way a citizen believes the government is formed and run to show that may not be true in reality."

-- Amazon Review


If you like House of Cards, you’ll enjoy reading how The Michael Bennit Series turns the American political process upside down when the little guy is pitted against the Washington elite set on destroying him to preserve their power in these political dramas.

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Reader Reviews

The Story

Some people will kill to keep their power, and one man just has. The aftermath of the shooting on the steps of the Capitol has the nation on edge, and Michael Bennit and his staff are forced to deal with the trauma as they move into the beginning of the new Congress. Now a martyr in the cause of reform, he has become the influential national figure that the political parties and the president-elect have long feared.


With the elites in Washington terrified of the change the independents in the House of Representatives bring, lobbyist James Reed must scramble to find a way to maintain his stranglehold on the political process. As Bennit’s old enemies defect to become his new political allies at an alarming rate, he realizes the one-time unknown social media candidate could do the unimaginable ― become the Speaker of the House and third in line for the presidency.


As the media swarms and tempers flare in Congress, journalist Kylie Roberts begins a quest of her own ― to find the man behind the shooting and bring him down. With the help of the mysterious Terry Nyguen, she will leave no stone unturned in search for the truth, but will the nation, now brimming with fresh optimism, be prepared for where that path leads? Will any of them be ready for the ultimate betrayal?


The third book in The Michael Bennit Series, The iSpeaker follows the plight of four people caught in the crossfire of the money-based political system and the will of the American people. Together with his former students, Bennit will embark on an ambitious mission to organize citizens to reclaim their government, but is the allure of money in politics too great for any politician to resist?




Audiobook Coming to Audible


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Book Trailer

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